Secondary 1 Discretionary Places Allocation and Admission Talks

(For admission to S.1 in September 2025)

  • Application period: 2 January 2025 – 16 January 2025 (9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
  • Number of discretionary places: 40
  1. The application form can be downloaded from our website or obtained at our General Office.
  2. The duly completed application form should be returned to our General Office or submit the application via the SSPA e-Platform on or before 4:30 p.m. on 16 January 2025 (Thursday) together with the following documents: 
    1. Photocopy of the HKID card
    2. Application Form for S1 Discretionary Place issued by EDB
    3. Photocopies of school reports for P.4, P.5 and P.6 (First Term)
    4. Photocopies of relevant certificates, awards and/or proof of extra-curricular activities
      (if applicable, please hand in “Form A")
    5. Photocopy of the Certificate of Baptism (if applicable)
    6. An addressed envelope (Stamps are not required)
      * Recommendation letters from primary schools are not required.

Arrangement of interview

  • Interviews will be arranged for ALL applicants. The tentative date for the interview will be 8 March 2025 (Saturday).
  • All applicants should bring along the following documents for the interview:
    1. Original copy of the HKID card
    2. Original copies of school reports for P.4, P.5 and P.6 (First Term)
    3. Original copies of relevant certificates, awards and/or proof of extra-curricular activities (if applicable)


Selection Criteria

The Secondary 1 Discretionary Places admission criteria and weighting are as follows:

Academic Performance 40%
Language Proficiency 20%
Conduct and Personality 20%
Extra-curricular Activities and Services 10%
Family Support  10%



  • All application forms should be submitted in person.
  • Please note that candidates may apply to NOT MORE THAN TWO secondary schools listed in the “Handbook for Application for Secondary 1 Discretionary Places”, otherwise, his/her chance of acquiring a discretionary place will be forfeited.
  • Late submission will not be considered.
  • Parents of successful applicants will be notified by letter and phone on 31 March 2025 (Monday).
  • The results of Discretionary Places and Central Allocation will be released at the same time on 8 July 2025 (Tuesday).

Secondary One Admission Talks

  • To enhance the public and primary school parents’ understanding towards our vision and mission, two Secondary One Admission talks will be held on 30 November 2024 (Saturday). Details are as follows:
  Session 1 Session 2
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.


  1. The total number of seats for each session is limited, first come first served. The maximum number of participants for each family is 3.
  2. The two sessions are identical. Please make your registration on or before 25 November 2024 (Monday).
  3. The above arrangement is subject to change. Please pay close attention to our school website for any updated arrangements.



  • 申請日期:2025年1月2日至1月16日(9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
  • 中一自行分配學位總數:40
  1. 申請者可於本校網頁下載申請表格或親臨校務處索取申請表。
  2. 請於2025年1月16日(星期四)下午4時30分或以前親臨本校校務處遞交申請表 或 透過「中一派位電子平台」遞交申請,並請同時附上下列文件:
    1. 身份證明文件副本
    2. 教育局「中一自行分配學位申請表」                        
    3. 小四及小五上、下學期及小六上學期成績表副本       
    4. 獎狀或證書副本(如適用,請同時交回『表格A』)                   
    5. 天主教教友領洗紙副本(如適用)
    6. 回郵信封一個(無須貼郵票)



  1. 身份證明文件正本 
  2. 小四、小五全年及小六上學期成績表正本
  3. 獎狀、證書及其他相關文件正本(如適用)



學術表現 40%
語文能力 20%
操行及性向 20%
課外活動及服務表現 10%
家庭對同學的支援  10%



  • 請親臨本校校務處遞交申請表。
  • 申請人只可以向不多於兩所在<申請中一自行分配學位手冊>內列出的中學申請,否則其獲得自行分配學位的機會將被取消。
  • 逾時申請,恕不考慮
  • 本校將於2025年3月31日(星期一) 透過書面及電話通知所有獲本校納入自行分配學位正取名單的學生家長。
  • 自行分配學位階段的派位結果將於2025年7月8日(星期二)與統一派位結果一併公布。




  第一場 第二場
時間: 下午2時至3時 下午5時至6時


  1. 每場講座名額有限,額滿即止。每個家庭出席的人數最多為3人。
  2. 兩場升中家長簡介會內容相同,有興趣參加者,請於2024年11月25日(星期一)或以前登記,以便安排。
  3. 以上各項安排或會作出更動,請密切留意本校網頁有關最新之安排。